jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2020

Rasing money for charity

 Hey guys.

I would like to thank for the support and the donations that you gave us the past couple of weeks.we have raised a lot of money for our children.

As you know the past month you gave us a lot of clothes, shoes, jewelry and and other useful materials to sell to the public. The charity just want to let you know what we have done with all the stuff that you gave us. We would like to thank all the people that gave us cash when the charity had a meeting Las weekend.

Don Boscos's charity will use the money to give Christmas presents to the children. As many of you already know we help children in need and every Christmas we try to give them something that can make them feel a little bit better. 

We want to thank you all once again for the help and solidarity.  Please keep in contact whit us for the next activities we have planned.

Sara Miño 


Group 7

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2020


 Last weekend I went to Quito. I was very excited because Quito is my favourite city in the country. We like to go to the parks. The weather was strange because in the morning was raining but in a few hours it was sunny and very hot. We brought our umbrellas and sunscreen to protect us from the heat. In the afternoon we went to a restaurant, it was kind of ugly but the food was alright. The next day we went to the zoo. We took off from the house late but we made it in time. The zoo is near Quito is in Guayllabamba. The zoo was amazing. There were a lot of animals. It was pretty funny. Before we left the zoo we bought some souvenirs for the rest of the family.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

 Hi Nicole.

I hope you are doing well. We haven't seen each other in a while. I am writing you this email to tell you what happened in my life these last couple of months.I have been taking english classes at university, so I am trying to learn how to speak and write in english. I have new classmates. I think they seem nice and I'm pretty sure they are good students.  My english classes are at night but the classes are always interesting. Usually in the evenings I do my homework because I have to be free at night for my classes.

And tell me, what have you been doing all these months? 


Sara .

domingo, 24 de junio de 2018


La neuropsicología es un tipo de neurociencia comportamental que se apoya en el método científico natural que se le asocia al estudio del cerebro y la relación que hay entre este órgano y la conducta de las personas. Se aboca a estudiar la relación cerebro-conducta en sujetos sanos, y hasta cierto punto se le puede entender y ver como neurociencia cognitiva.

La neuropsicologia se interesa por estudiar las bases neurales de cualquier ser humano, y como estas se correlacionan con diversos procesos mentales tales como: pensamiento, funciones ejecutivas, lenguaje, memoria, motricidad, percepción, etc.

La neuropsicología nace como un ente autónomo gracias a las aportaciones y el trabajo de muchas otras disciplinas tales como la neurología, biología, neurofisiología, neuroquímica, psicología experimental, farmacología, psicología cognitiva;los neuropsicólogos clínicos trabajan de la mano con otros profesionales de la salud en pro de la evaluación y tratamiento del daño cerebral: neurólogos, neurocirujanos, fisioterapeutas, terapeutas del lenguaje, terapeutas ocupacionales, psicólogos clínicos, entre otros profesionales de la salud.

Esta ciencia se centra en estudiar la corteza por dos razones:
  1. Esta área del cerebro tiene como responsabilidad principal todos los procesos cognoscitivos superiores.
  2. Es de las partes que más tiende a verse afectada cuando hay alguna enfermedad o trastorno; resultando esto entonces en muy diversos daños a las funciones mentales ya antes mencionadas.

Referencias bibliográficas:

  • Antonio, P. P. (2010). Introducción a la neuropsicología. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.


Bienvenidos a este espacio que fue creado con la finalidad de informar de diversos temas que pueden ser muy útiles al momento de una consulta.
Espero que todas las cosas que se van a subir sean muy útiles para todos!!

Rasing money for charity

 Hey guys. I would like to thank for the support and the donations that you gave us the past couple of weeks.we have raised a lot of money f...